Monday, December 25, 2006


Jeff Suppan isn't a Pirate, thank goodness. Thus continues the trend of other teams stepping in to help Dave Littlefield avoid poor decisions (kinda like a free-agent signing wingman?).

Suppan got 4 years at $42 million, which on performance merit alone is probably a bit more than he's worth, but that contract is a downright theft compared to Ted Lilly and Gil Meche, especially considering his value to the Brewers (I think, if all are healthy, Capuano - Suppan - Sheets - Villanueva - Bush is a B- rotation at worst, and easily the most complete rotation in the division).

Much is floating around the blogosphere about a still-simmering LaRoche or Cabrera trade. I am not going to jump in the fray, since (as I have said before) pulling off either trade would represent a significant step up for Littlefield in at least getting 80 cents to the dollar in a trade for once. I don't think it unreasonable for the Pirates to be considered a big upgrade if they were to make either of those trades and sign Aubrey Huff (both of which would happen, of course, under the assumption that both acquired players wouldn't regress in '07).

That's all, just a brief update whilst I sit here on Christmas security shift.

until the news reignites...


Harry R. said...

Thanks for the comment on my site. That was actually my first ever. I've just started blogging a couple of weeks ago, so few people know about me. So, I'm wondering, I hope this doesn't sound rude but- could you link me?

Geeves said...

no, i'm not going to link you until i think your blog is worth linking to.